AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card Releasing Today
AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card Releasing Today
The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) will release the admit card for the Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical Common Entrance Test (AP EAMCET) 2023 today, May 9. Also, Candidates who registered for the AP EAMCET 2023 exam may performwnload the hall ticket from the official website at cets.apsche.ap.gov.in, once the link is activated. All appearing candidates are advised to read and follow the instruction mentioned on the admit card. AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card Releasing Today

Firstly, The AP EAMCET (engineering exam) 2023 is scheduled to be conducted from May 15 to May 18. Meanwhile, the AP EAMCET (Agriculture and Pharmacy exam) 2023 will be held on May 22 and May 23. All exams will be conducted in two shifts. for a duration of three hours. Also, The first shift is from 9 am to 12 noon while the second shift is scheduled from 3 pm to 6 pm. As per the Also, schedule, the preliminary answer key for the AP EAMCET 2023 will be released on May 24 at 9 am. Candidates will be allowed to raise objections or challenges, if any, on May 26. AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card Releasing Today
AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card: How to Download
- Step 1: Log on to APSCHE’s official website at cets.apsche.ap.gov.in
- Step 2: Look for and click on the AP EAMCET 2023 Admit Card link on the homepage.
- Step 3: A new winperformw will open featuring all the essential information and instructions. Then click on ‘Download Admit Card’.
- Step 4: As a new page opens, enter the registration number.
- Step 5: The AP EAMCET 2023 admit card will appear on the screen.
- Step 6: Check, save and performwnload the hall ticket.
- Step 7: Keep a prtowardut for future reference.
Followingly, As per the AP EMACET exam pattern, the engineering test will have 160 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) which include 80 questions in Mathematics, 40 in Chemistry and Physics, respectively.
The agriculture and pharmacy exam will also comprise 160 (MCQs) questions. Also, The exam paper will include 80 questions on Botany (40 marks on botany and 40 on zoology), while the other 80 comes from 40 questions on physics and chemistry each. Every question will carry one mark and there is no negative marking.
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Important Link
Assist Website:- www.easytarika.com